Meaning of Scapegoat (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Scapegoat is an expression used to define a person who is blamed for others.

Scapegoat is an expression used when someone is accused of an offense that he did not do, or was not the creator.

Scapegoat is a popular expression that defines the individual who cannot prove his innocence, even without being directly responsible for the accusation.

The expression "scapegoat" is used when someone is single-handedly blamed for a misfortune.


Expiatory is one that serves for atonement.


Atonement is the act or effect of expiation, punishment, penance, prayers to appease the deity.

expression source

The expression "scapegoat" had its origins in the Day of Atonement, as reported in the Bible. The day of atonement was a ritual for cleansing the entire nation of Israel. For the ceremony, two goats were taken, where one of them was sacrificed and the other, the scapegoat, was touched on the head, by the priest, who confessed all the sins of the Israelites and sent them into the wilderness, where all sins were annihilated.

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