smooth means "soft" in the literal translation of the English language, but it can also be translated as “soft”, “easy”, “calm” or “smooth”.
As an adjective, "smooth” can still mean “flat”, “smooth”, “soft”, “polished” or “impressive” (a nice compliment). Already in the form of the verb, "I'm smooth” can be translated as “polish”, “stroke”, “smooth”, “smooth” or “softens”.
In English, the word “smooth” can be used to represent the tranquility or smoothness in someone's actions. The expression "smoothsailing”, for example, is also used in the sense of conveying the ease, tranquility or ease of doing something.
The music "smooth Criminal" and the single from the seventh album by singer-songwriter Michael Jackson, bad, 1987. the video clip of Smooth Criminal is part of the movie moonwalker, released in 1988.
Don't confuse “smooth" with "smoothie”, the latter being a type of thick refreshing drink, made from fruits beaten with water and lots of ice. You smoothies or shakes (in Portuguese) are very common and popular in the hottest seasons of the year.