Entity Meaning (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Entity is a feminine noun that means individuality, being, is what constitutes the essence of something. It is everything that exists or can exist, real or imagined.

Entity is a society, which directs the activities of a class. For example: sports entity, engineering association, medical association, bar association, etc.

They are synonymous with entity: association, institution, corporation, order, company, league and society.

philanthropic entity

A philanthropic entity is a non-profit entity, formed in associations or foundations that provide social assistance, health and education services.

For a philanthropic entity to be recognized by public bodies, and the entity must prove to have developed, for at least three years, activities to serve society, assisting the population less favored.

spiritual entity

Spiritual entity is any form of spirit – incorporeal and self-conscious substance. It is a supernatural entity like angels and demons, as well as imaginary beings like goblins.

In Brazil, some religions of African origin try to keep their customs and traditions alive. In Umbanda, spiritual entities manifest with the sense of bringing messages from the orixás, and speak through the body of people who receive them. The entities are represented by Pretos Velhos, Exus, Pomba Gira, children, etc.

accounting entity

Accounting entity is a clearly defined economic unit within an organization business, which requires the accountant to have its own financial reporting structure for legal and tax.

Entities are accounting units that engage in some type of accounting activity or own economic assets that must be accounted for. An accounting entity, in the case of companies or institutions, should not be confused with the equity of its partners or owners.

Investments or financial operations, a commercial product, as well as the different divisions of a company, allowing more accurately, the different financial records for each aspect within the organization.

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