Beginning Meaning (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Start is the masculine noun from Latin initium which indicates the act or effect of initiating.

Some synonyms for start are: debut, principle, beginning, exordium, preamble, beginning.

Within the scope of literature, the beginning of a work is known as preface or prologue. In the musical context, the prelude is a musical piece that serves as an introduction to another musical work, which can be only instrumental or instrumental or vocal.

The beginning can be a Opening, opening, launch or the moment a thing begins to exist. Ex: The beginning of our relationship was very troubled.

The word beginning can also refer to the origin of some phenomenon or event. Ex: sometimes nausea and vomiting are symptoms of early pregnancy.

start or start

The words start and start exist in the Portuguese language.

When the word does not have an acute accent in its second syllable, that is, beginning, it is the verb form of the verb to start in the first person present tense. Ex: I always start my day with a very happy song.

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