Life's philosophy is the expression that serves to describe a set of ideas or attitudes that are part of the life of an individual or group.
The philosophy of life can also be defined by a conduct that governs a person's way of living. These norms are often marked by a religion, such as: Buddhist philosophy of life, Christian philosophy of life, etc.
It is important to mention that the philosophy of life varies according to the context of each one, and can be influenced or changed according to social, economic or political factors.
This expression is also related to the critical sense and defines how each person builds their value systems that are part of their life and indicate how it will be lived.
Sometimes life philosophies clash when people disagree on various issues. The main reason for philosophy of life conflicts is cultural differences.
This expression is often used synonymously with Lifestyle. Ex: Nobody likes him because he has a very strange philosophy (style) of life.
The concept of
philosophy it is related to the incessant search for wisdom. Thus, a philosophy of life also includes the search for self-knowledge and for norms that give stability to a given individual.