Meaning of Furthermore (What is it, Concept and Definition)

It is also classified as a adverb in Portuguese, representing the idea of I add another piece of information about something that has already been mentioned before..

When using the adverb in addition in a sentence, the speaker's intention is to go back to a previous information and add something to it.

Example:“The trip was a lot of fun and, besides, we were single”.

In Spanish the word is also translated to besides, which has the same meaning as the adverb in Portuguese.

Synonymous with more

Some of the main synonyms of this adverb are:

  • Furthermore;
  • Furthermore;
  • In addition to that;
  • Also;
  • Otherwise;
  • In addition to this;
  • On top of that;
  • By the way.

In addition or too much

Furthermore and more are synonymous words, that is, have the same meaning.

In addition to an adverb, other is also classified as an indefinite plural pronoun in Portuguese grammar. Depending on the context, it can still be used to express the idea of something in excess, or of intensity.

Example:"He ran and now he's too tired to talk" or "She is too sick to go out".

Learn more about meaning of too much.

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