Meaning of Multifaceted (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Multifaceted is the characteristic of something or someone who has many facets, i.e, different faces, angles and sides.

When it is said that something is multifaceted, the intention is to express the condition of plurality that this particular thing has. For example, a multifaceted text would be one that has journalistic, poetic, literary, etc. characteristics, not being restricted to just one style.

However, literally saying that something is multifaceted can also mean that it has different angles, faces and sides.

In the figurative sense of this adjective, multifaceted can be used to qualify someone (or something) who has different attributes, personalities and characteristics.

For example, a multifaceted person it is one that has varied and peculiar aspects, being able to be framed and act in distinct groups.

Example:“He is a multifaceted artist: he knows how to act, sing and dance”.

Some of the main synonyms for multifaceted are: multifaceted, multidimensional, multifaceted and multifaceted.

See also: the meaning of Plurality.

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