Meaning of Idealism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Idealism and the quality of what is ideal. And the representation of things in the ideal form. It is the propensity or inclination of the mind towards daydreaming, towards the ideal. The ideal is what exists only in the idea, in the imagination, it is the fantastic, the dreamed model.

in sociology, in cultural development, idealism consists of imaginary creation of norms of action taken as perfect, ideals, and presented as an objective to be achieved in reality. Idealism is basic to the cultural process in all its aspects.

In aesthetics, idealism is the denomination of systems that consider that the purpose of art is the fictitious representation of something that will be more satisfying to the spirit than objective reality. It is art as a realization of ideals and not as a representation of facts.

Idealism in Philosophy

Idealism, in Philosophy, is the name common to all philosophical systems that make ideas the interpretive principle of the world. It is the general designation of ethical systems that make ideal norms as norms of action.

Philosophy has questioned itself at all times about the essence of the beautiful, the ideal. For Plato, the ideal is identified with the good, and all idealistic aesthetics are based on this Platonic understanding. According to Plato, any adequate understanding of the things of the sensible world should abstract its imperfections and reach its essence, arrive at the ideal.

Hegel, the German philosopher, was one of the creators of German idealism. His philosophical current departed from the idea of ​​self-awareness, to recover ontology (part of the philosophy that studies the nature of being, existence and reality) as the logic of being.

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