Meaning of Evolution (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Evolution is the feminine noun that indicates the action or effect of to evolve. An evolution refers to the improvement, growth or development of an idea, system, custom or individual.

Etymologically, this term comes from Latin evolution, which means the unfolding of something (formerly the scrolls).

The sense of evolution as a biological process of transformation only emerged in the 19th century. In this case, evolution consists of a set of slow changes towards a certain direction, which refers to a gradual and progressive development.

In the philosophical context, evolution represents a progressive alteration of a being or a system towards a final state. The teleological hypothesis indicates that evolution presupposes an initial and final state, where the notion of overcoming exists.

In politics, evolution refers to a gradual improvement in the social, economic and political parameters of a population. It is different from revolution, because changes are achieved without violence, through reforms.

The word evolution can also mean the regular and adjusted movement of planes, troops, birds, ships, etc.

Evolution theory

Known as Darwinism or evolutionism, the theory of evolution opposes Creationism and indicates that multiplicity of organisms currently existing is the result of the slow and progressive modification of some species. This theory emerged in the nineteenth century, being co-authored by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace. However, before that Lamarck had already opposed the theory of a fixed universe and indicated that living beings today were the evolution of more primitive beings.

Greek philosophers were the first to ponder the concept of evolution and later Maupartuis, Buffon and Linnaeus were the first to mention that some species could evolve into different species.

In the realm of biology, the theory of evolution holds that species developed through slow or fast mutations, from a rudimentary state until they present their current characteristics. The most controversial and debated example of the theory of evolution is the human evolution, which indicates that the current human being (homo sapiens) is the result of the evolution of older species such as the homo habilis or the homo erectus.

See more about Evolution theory.

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