Meaning of Ostensible (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Ostensive is the adjective that qualifies something or someone who exaggerates themselves, who likes to draw attention, which is showy, lush and extravagant. It can also refer to an action or an attitude that is aggressive, instantaneous and of immediate effects.

When it is said that a person is ostentatious, it can mean that they have an arrogant, provocative and arrogant behavior compared to others.

Example:"Their ostentatious way led to divorce".

Some of the main synonymous with ostensive they are: intentional, purposeful, ostentatious, pompous, uncovered, gaping, evident, visible, haughty, aggressive, feisty, exalted, sumptuous, fairy and dazzling.

Etymologically, the word “ostensive” is originated from the Latin ostensivus, which can be translated as “for the purpose of showing” or “fit for display”.

ostensible policing

It is a police surveillance tactic where your presence is intentionally noticed by all local people, with the use of vehicles and uniforms that characterize them as forces of policing. In short, it consists of the uniformed, uniformed and visibly identified police.

In addition to conveying a sense of security among the community present, overt police also help to discourage the practice of acts that infringe the law or destabilize public order. So, the overt police play the hybrid prevention-repression role in society.

Overt policing is the opposite of secret or preventive, where the idea is to keep the presence of police officers hidden, mainly in order to investigate possible illegal activities in the places.

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