Down or Down: when to use?

The terms "below", written together, and "below", written separately, are often confusing when we are going to write a text.

However, they are used in different contexts. So that you don't make more mistakes, check below the rules, the uses and some examples.


The term 'below', written together, refers to something that is in a lower position. Therefore, this word is synonymous with "below", "under", "under", "below", etc.

Although it is mostly used as an adverb of place, this word is also used in situations that involve interjections.


Bellow the Dictatorship!
Look bellow an exercise on the topic of the class.
In the roster, your name is bellow of mine.
This semester your grades are bellow of the average of the class.
we made a bellow-signed to remove the teacher from the discipline.

Note: Note that the term “undersigned” is hyphenated when it comes to a petition that has several signatures.

On the other hand, if it is being used to indicate the person who signs the document, it is written without the hyphen:

Tomás Souza, undersigned, was responsible for this petition.

Read too: Hyphen Use.


There are many cases in which the term “below” accompanies the verb “follow”. The question is whether the verb is written in the singular or plural.

In all cases, the verb agrees with the subject. That is, if the subject is plural, the verb will also be plural. Otherwise, if it is in the singular, the verb will also be written in the singular.


See below the event photo.
See below the list of trainees.
Follow below documents for registration.
Follow below the necessary data to enroll in the course.


The expression “downwards”, written separately, is synonymous with “from below”, “downwards” or “up to below” and the opposite of “from above” or “from above”. This term is formed by the preposition “a” plus the adjective “low”.

When used against antonyms, it plays the role of an adverbial phrase, for example: “from top to bottom” or “from top to bottom”.


When I entered the store, José looked down at me bellow.
That afternoon, the cat tore the top curtain bellow.
We have to wash the windows from above bellow of this building.
Neusa observed the candidate from above. bellow.
Clothes and shoes bellow price.

Note: The term “down” doesn't have a crasis.

Read about other Portuguese questions:

  • Orthography
  • Spelling Exercises
  • Down in Down?
  • Below or Below?
  • Under or Over?
  • Above or Above?
  • Up or Up?
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  • In order or In order?
  • Back or Back?
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  • About or About?
  • Lose or Lose?
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  • Company or Company

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