Meaning of Dog Howl (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

dog howl it is a sound emitted by dogs which is distinctly different from barking, whining, growling and moaning. Dogs can howl for many different reasons.

Howling usually does not mean pain or suffering, but it often serves to relieve boredom and loneliness. It can also be a way for the dog to express his frustration. The howl has different tones and intensities, varying according to the type of message they want to send.
the howl of a dog not a sign of ill omen or foreboding, as popular wisdom has already stated, but yes a behavior inherited from wild ancestors, the wolves. Howling is a form of communication used by dogs, which when they howl, reach a higher pitch and can be heard farther away. In a place with many dogs, howling can be used to warn other dogs that are not in the vicinity of an intruder. Dogs howl to try to communicate when there is no eye contact between them.
Some puppies have a tendency to howl when left alone for a while. So they howl in hopes of calling their owners, who are the elements of their pack. Often when they hear other dogs in the neighborhood, they are encouraged to howl too. Howling can also be a way of expressing excitement and joy, as is the case with dogs that howl when they hear music. Some breeds are more prone to howling, such as the Siberian husky, Samoyed and Alaskan Malamute.

Another reason that encourages the dog to howl is the presence of a female in heat in the vicinity, and taking into account that its smell spreads through the wind, many males, even being far away, are attracted, which often gives rise to a "symphony of howls". To avoid howling in this situation, it is necessary to try to leave the male in some remote environment and, preferably, a more closed place, where he cannot smell the female.
Many owners are not used to the fact that their dog howls, and may howl more often at night, hindering its rest. It is possible to teach your dog not to howl. The owner can make the howling moment unpleasant for the dog by blowing a whistle when the dog howls. It is also possible to purchase an anti-bark/anti-howl collar, which inhibits the dog from barking/howling. In the last case, you can hire a trainer, as a professional will be able to help you in this situation.
Remember that howling can be a sign of frustration, and many dogs are frustrated when they are not physically active. Don't forget to walk your dog, giving him a good walk.

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