Meaning of Munus (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Munus is a two-number masculine noun in the Portuguese language, and means the function or obligation that must be performed by someone.

The word munus originated directly from the Latin munis, which means "duty", "encumbrance", "function" and "charge". The term munus is mainly used within the legal framework, as a set of obligations of an individual.

A job can also be considered a person's employment or position, taking into account the need to fulfill obligations while on the job.

public office

The public office is all the duty and obligation that the individual renders to the public power, based on laws and covering the interests of all citizens in the community.

Voting or justifying the vote, giving testimony as a witness or performing an office that affects the interests of the country or the social order are some examples of public offices.

priestly office

The priestly office is the duty, function and obligation of the individual who is dedicated to the priesthood.

The Catholic Church, for example, is based on the call

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triple munus, formed by the priestly office, prophetic office and pastoral office.

See more about the meaning of Catholic church.

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