Meaning of Unanimity (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Unanimity is a feminine noun meaning the quality of something unanimous, that is, in which there is an agreement or conformity in some area (opinions, votes, judgments, ideas, etc).

One unanimous decision that's when everyone involved agrees on the outcome.

In some states of the United States of America, in the context of a jury trial, the system federal government requires that the verdicts for the defendants be unanimous among the jurors, the so-called "unanimity cool". This same model can be used in Brazil, according to the rules pre-established by the quorum (set of jurors or voters).

Writer Nelson Rodrigues provoked society with his classic and controversial phrase: "All unanimity is dumb! Whoever thinks with unanimity does not need to think".

Some scholars and critics say that Nelson's phrase works as a "trap" and irony, since at the moment in that everyone came to agree that all unanimity is stupid, it would even be proven that all unanimity is dumb.

In English, the word unanimity is translated to unanimity.

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Synonyms of Unanimity

  • conformity
  • totality
  • wake up

Unanimity of votes

Unanimity of votes occurs when all individuals eligible for election have chosen to choose the same option or candidate, electing him unanimously.

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