Meaning of Procon (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Procon is the acronym for Consumer Protection and Defense Program, represented by an organizational foundation responsible for helping mediate conflicts between consumers and suppliers of products and services.

Procon is linked to the Department of Justice and the Defense of Citizenship, acting as a legal institute of public law.

There are Procon units in all Brazilian states, in addition to several of its municipalities. However, in order for a Procon to exist in a given location, it must first be approved through the decree of a state law, officially defining its operating conditions.

The main purpose of Procon is to ensure the mediation of conflicting cases between customers and consumers dissatisfied with the services or products provided by a certain company or establishment, by example. Consumers should look for Procon in the region where they live to register complaints.

If Procon is unable to determine an agreement between both parties, the case is forwarded to the Special Civil Court of the location where the case was registered.

As established in Consumer Protection Code (Law No. 8.078, of September 11, 1990), the Procons - state and municipal - and other entities which aim to protect the consumer, are trimmed and belong to the National Defense System of the Consumer.

See also: the meaning of Consumer Law.

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