Definition of Xenophobia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Xenophobia means aversion The people or foreign things.

The term is of Greek origin and is formed from the words "xenos” (foreigner) and “phobos" (fear). Xenophobia can be characterized as a form of preconception or as a disease, a psychiatric disorder.

The prejudice generated by xenophobia is controversial. It usually manifests itself through discriminatory actions and hatred towards foreign individuals. There is intolerance and aversion to those who come from other countries or different cultures, triggering different reactions among xenophobes.

Not all forms of discrimination against ethnic minorities, different cultures, subcultures or beliefs can be considered xenophobia. In many cases, these are attitudes associated with ideological conflicts, cultural clashes or even political motivations.

As a disease, xenophobia is a disorder caused by an uncontrolled fear of the unknown, which turns into imbalance. Anyone who suffers from this disorder has possibly had a bad experience when exposed to an unknown situation that caused terror and left marks that will interfere in their daily life.

People with this pathology suffer from anguish and extreme anxiety, distance themselves from social life, avoid contact with strangers and, in some cases, may have panic attacks.

Xenophobia in Brazil

Brazil is known for being a country that has received and receives many immigrants from various countries with different cultures, without serious demonstrations of xenophobia. However, in the nineteenth century, a phenomenon called lusophobia, which resulted from a nationalist feeling of some Brazilian politicians, who aimed to reduce the interaction of Portuguese individuals in the local economy.

Xenophobia in Europe

The existence of xenophobia is quite common in Europe, especially in countries where there is a large flow of immigration, such as England and Switzerland. Also in Portugal, some Portuguese have xenophobic feelings towards Brazilians.

Xenophobia and racism

Xenophobia and racism are two different concepts but they often translate into similar attitudes of discrimination towards someone. Xenophobia is aimed at someone who comes from another country, even if they are of the same ethnicity. On the other hand, racism is discrimination based on the existence of a race superior to others. It is a social construction that does not find echo in the scientific community, being a serious prejudice, and which can also occur to a person who was born in the same country as the one who commits the act racist.

See too:

  • Preconception
  • Racism
  • Stereotype

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