Meaning of Happiness (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Happiness is the state of who you are happy, one feeling of well being and contentment, which can occur for several reasons.

Happiness is a lasting moment of satisfaction, where the individual feels fully happy and fulfilled, a moment where there is no suffering whatsoever.

Happiness is formed by different emotions and feelings, which can be for a specific reason, such as a dream come true, a wish fulfilled, or even people who are known to be always happy and in a good mood, where no specific reason is needed for them to be in a state of happiness.

Happiness is addressed by several philosophers, psychology and religions. Philosophers associated happiness with pleasure, since it is difficult to define happiness as a whole, where it comes from, the feelings and emotions involved. Philosophers studied what behavior and lifestyles could lead individuals to full happiness.

Happiness in Psychology

Oxford University has created a questionnaire to measure, through various methods and instruments, people's level of happiness. They believe that to measure happiness, it is necessary to assess physical and psychological factors, income, age, religious preferences, politics, marital status, etc.

Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud argued that every individual is driven by the search for happiness, but this search would be a utopian thing, since for it to exist, it does not it could depend on the real world, where the person can have experiences like failure, therefore, the most that the human being could achieve, it would be a happiness partial.

happiness in philosophy

Several philosophers have studied and analyzed happiness. For the Greek Aristotle, happiness refers to balance and harmony by doing good; for the also Greek, Epicurus, happiness occurs through the satisfaction of desires; Pyrrho de Élis also believed that happiness happened through tranquility. For the Indian philosopher Mahavira, non-violence was an important ally to achieve full happiness.

Chinese philosophers have also researched happiness. For Lao Tzu, happiness could be achieved using nature as a model. Confucius, on the other hand, believed in happiness due to harmony between people.

Happiness in Buddhism

Buddhist religious doctrine also analyzed happiness, which became one of its central themes. Buddhism believes that happiness occurs through releasing suffering and overcoming desire through mental training.

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