What is love? See here its meaning and the best definition

love is a feeling of affection and demonstration of affection that develops among beings who have the capacity to demonstrate it.

Love motivates the need for protection and can manifest itself in different ways: maternal or paternal love, love between siblings (fraternal), physical love, platonic love, love of life, love of nature, love of animals, selfless love, self-love, and etc.

Etymologically, the term "love" came from the Latin "love”, a word that had exactly the same meaning as today: feeling of affection, passion and great desire.

Thus, the noun "love" also gives rise to the verb "to love", which represents the action of the individual who feels this love, establishing a relationship between the subject who loves and the object he loves.

Defining what love is is not an easy task, because for each person, love can represent something different. look here 7 philosophers who defined love in an epic way.

Physical love or Eros represents the love between couples, a feeling that involves a strong emotional connection and, in general, a connection of a sexual nature.

It is usually symbolized through the design of a heart and Cupid is the mythological figure who personifies love.

Love provokes enthusiasm for something and an interest in doing good, for example, love of nature or love of animals.

The love of God or the love to Christ demonstrates a connection of a religious character, a feeling of devotion and worship.

This type of love known as Agape, that is, it is unconditional, unique and impossible to be accurately described. Love of God is a commandment in many religions, not just Christians.

Love is also one of the most important themes in various art forms. Meet 7 Works of Art where the main theme is love.

Many people express their deepest feelings through love messages, declarations of love or love poems, which are shared with special people.

Sometimes an action or image is worth a thousand words. To prove it, see the meaning of love in 20 images.

Love also has a social role, fueling other actions and feelings such as solidarity.

A forbidden love happens when two people cannot be together, when their relationship is not allowed.

A famous forbidden love affair is that of Romeo and Juliet, because their families were rivals. Forbidden loves are often the most desired.

Love is a popular term for a charming, pleasant, kind, and friendly person. The term can be used as an adjective "the child is a love" or vocative "love, I'm here".

There are several definitions and types of love, which are different depending on people and circumstances. Some examples of love genres are:

  • Platonic love
  • True love
  • Brotherly love
  • Unconditional love
  • Self love

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