Meaning of Dumping (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Dumpingis an English word derived from the term "dump" which, among others, has the meaning of dump or empty. The word is used in commercial terms (especially in International Trade), to designate the practice of placing products on the market below cost in order to eliminate competition and increase market shares.

O dump it is frequently seen in the operations of companies that intend to conquer new international markets. For this, they sell their products on the foreign market at an extremely low price, often lower than the cost of production. It is an expedient used on a temporary basis knowing that, later, a higher price will be charged that can compensate for the initial loss.

O dump it is an unfair and commercially prohibited practice. The rules anti-dumping they are measures adopted with the objective of preventing domestic producers from being harmed. A measure anti-dumping is, for example, the application of a specific import tax.

social dump

Dumping social is a practice of certain companies that seek an increase in profits by moving from one location to another where wages are lower and/or workers' rights are more precarious. In this way, companies are able to place their products on the international market at highly competitive prices.

Dumping environmental

O dump Environmental protection occurs when prices drop a lot because companies have factories in countries where the law does not require that measures be taken to protect the environment. Thus, prices are lower, but the environment is highly harmed, because technology to protect the environment often means a big investment for companies.

syndrome of dump

the syndrome of dump it consists of a clinical condition that requires medical treatment and is characterized by disturbances in the digestive system that cause discomfort. It can also cause skin manifestations, circulation problems and low blood pressure right after meals. It is often more common in patients who have had a gastrectomy, thanks to the rapid emptying of the stomach. the syndrome of dump it can be early or late.

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