Definition of Homeopathy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Homeopathy it is a treatment method that consists of administering minimal doses of the drug to the patient to avoid intoxication and stimulate an organic reaction.

It was created in 1796 by the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann, based on the Law of Similars, mentioned by Hipócrates in the year 450 a. Ç. According to this law, the like are cured by the like, that is, to treat a sick individual is necessary to apply a drug that, when applied to a healthy person, produces the same symptoms presented by the sick.

The word "homeopathy" comes from the Greek homoispaths, Where homols = similar and pathos = suffering, illness.

Homeopathy arrived in Brazil in 1840 brought by the French, but only in 1980 was it recognized as a medical specialty by the Brazilian Medical Association (AMB) and the following year by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM). In 1996 the Federal Council of Veterinary Medicine also recognized homeopathy as a specialty.

To become a homeopath, the professional specialist in homeopathy, a degree in Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy or Dentistry is required.

Homeopathic Medicines

The preparation of homeopathic medicines is made from substances extracted from nature (minerals, vegetables or animals), of which there is prior knowledge of their curative potential, through experimentation on man sound.

These drugs undergo specific dilution and dynamization techniques, treating diseases by similarity, that is, what is capable of producing the disease is also capable of curing it.

The process of dilution followed by agitation is called "dynamization", from the Greek dynamis, which means "strength", because through this process it is possible to awaken in the substance the capacity to act on the vital force of the living organism.

Hahnemann, at the beginning of his experiments, began by diluting the drugs and found that the more he diluted them, the more undesirable reactions were minimized.

He also realized that by successively diluting the substances and shaking them several times, he always got better results, thus reaching the minimum doses. In this way, the toxicity of substances is reduced and their curative potential increased.

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