Meaning of Non-Reactive (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

Non-reactive means the negative result of a given exam. In the field of medicine, it consists of indication of the non-existence of a certain disease in the examined organism.

The expression “non-reactive” is explained by the fact that the reagent does not react with the patient's blood, thus presenting a negative sample.

The term non-reactive is always used in blood tests, pregnancy tests (Beta HCG), sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, syphilis, among others.

For example, when the result of an exam is "Non-reactive HIV" means that the individual is not contaminated with the virus of this disease.

Whenever the result is “non-reactive” in the examination documents, it means that the individual does not have that disease, or it is not yet developed in his body at that time.

Learn more about meaning of HIV.

The opposite of a “non-reactive” result is the “reactive”, which represents the affirmation of the existence of a certain disease, virus or bacteria in the living organism.


This is the acronym in English for

Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), which is a test to find out if a patient has been exposed to syphilis bacteria, a sexually transmitted disease.

If the result presented is "Non-reactive VDRL", means that the patient in question is never in contact with this bacteria (Treponema pallidum), or that your body has completely eliminated it from your body.

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