Definition of Hypertrophy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Hypertrophy is the increase in the size of an organ as a consequence of increased cellular functions.

The most common hypertrophy is in the musculature (muscle hypertrophy). It can be caused by biological factors, such as: growth during puberty, uterus dilation during pregnancy, and so on.

Hypertrophy can also develop forcefully, through the practice of weight training and consumption of foods rich in protein and food supplements.

When an organ does not develop or, instead of growing, it decreases in size, the inverse process of hypertrophy occurs, called atrophy.

The term hypertrophy can be replaced by synonyms such as hypergenesis, hypergenesis, hyperplasia.

Muscular hypertrophy

Muscle hypertrophy is the increase in muscle mass, which causes visible growth of the body musculature.

The muscle growth process is a consequence of the physical demand to which the body is subjected due to hormonal stimuli, which act in certain tissues.

How does hypertrophy happen?

The practice of bodybuilding, along with the adjusted functioning of the body's metabolism, is the most effective method for gaining muscle mass, also called lean mass.

The effort during weight training is responsible for causing a stress muscle and the increase in muscle volume is a physiological response to stress generated by the exercise.

Weight training should be accompanied by a specialized professional, as well as guidance on the balanced consumption of necessary nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats).

The set of these procedures, with proper technical monitoring, is responsible for the occurrence of hypertrophy in a healthy way.

The unbalanced consumption of substances (such as anabolics and steroids), which provide a rapid increase in muscle mass, can represent a serious health risk.

Also read about Muscle tone and bodybuilding.

Hypertrophy and hyperplasia

Hypertrophy and hyperplasia are similar processes, but they have a difference and, therefore, should not be confused.

In the case of hypertrophy, there is no change in the number of cells in the body, there is only an increase in the size and volume of cells. The practice of weight training combined with proper nutrition leads to hypertrophy.

already in hyperplasia there is an increase in the number of cells through muscle fiber division.

Hyperplasia, depending on the organ in which it occurs, has different names. For example: fibrillar hyperplasia (muscles), foveolar hyperplasia (stomach) and endometrial hyperplasia (endometrium). Hyperplasia can also occur in other organs such as the prostate, tissues and adenoids.

Learn more about the meaning of hyperplasia, Metabolism and Trophism.

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