Meaning of Myopia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Myopia is a visual impairment that makes it difficult to see objects that are far away. The word myopia comes from the Greek "myopia"which means "closed eye" because people with this condition often close their eyes slightly in an attempt to see what is further away.

Myopia is caused by an abnormal increase in blood pressure. eye axis (axial myopia) or by an overly intense refraction action of the lens (refraction myopia), causing the image to form before the retina.

This means that vision at a short distance is still possible, but beyond this, the image is not clear, requiring the use of lenses or glasses.

Myopia is usually congenital, although it often develops only with advancing years, with a tendency to increase during the growth phase.

Surgery for Myopia

There are several techniques used to correct myopia through refractive surgery. The most common is the LASIK, which consists of a laser that shapes and modifies the curvature of the cornea, and changes the focus.

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