Roots is a word of English origin and it means "roots" (plant, hair, tooth, etc). the singular of roots é root (source).
It originates in Old English and Proto-Germanic rot, wrot and wyrt.
The word can also take on other meanings when it is used as a noun, verb, adjective or even in a figurative sense.
Like substantive, root it can also mean “origin, source, essence or base”. Examples: source of a problem, source of knowledge.
May have changed meaning if used as a verb (rooting, fixing, rooting) or as a adjective (essential, fundamental, basic). Examples: fixing an idea, knowing an essential concept.
At word morphology, this term indicates the stem: the shortest form of a word, which can form others when prefixes or suffixes are added to it.
If already used in a figurative meaning, the word roots, as root, is related to the origin or basis of things. Examples: family root, mathematical root, musical root, etc.
What it means roots reggae?
The word roots is commonly related to the reggae (musical style originally from Jamaica). It's a reference to a subgenre for musical rhythm: the
roots reggae, which would be "root reggae, pure reggae or original reggae".The style predominated mainly in the reggae produced between the 1960s and 1980s, with Bob Marley being its best-known representative.
Usually, the roots reggae is associated with Rastafari, a religious movement that emerged in the 1930s, which has as divine representation jah or jave (one of the names given to God in the King James Version of the Bible).
However, the roots reggae it also discusses other broader themes besides religiosity and faith, such as sex, love and social criticism.
what is the style roots?
Roots it can also identify a musical, lifestyle or even aesthetic style.
In music, the roots style is a reference to the original music style mode, such as the Reagge Roots or the root samba (the oldest, traditional samba).
This word is also used to demonstrate a lifestyle of people who prefer to live more connected to nature, away from the big and bustling urban centers. These people are often seen as "alternatives".
There is no rule to follow, but "being roots" can identify who prefers to live according to their principles or ideals, according to their own rules.
the people called roots they want to live in less hurry, with more time to observe the world around them. People who like camping, hitchhiking or without a defined destination can be some examples of the lifestyle roots.
already the clothes roots, these are clothes that can identify this more alternative lifestyle, linked to nature, calm and music.