Reiterate is a transitive verb that means do or say again. Some synonyms are: repeat, renew, iterate, etc.
This verb conveys the idea of insisting and is often used for highlight the importance of something. Ex: Before starting the mission, the general reiterated his order to capture enemy forces.
For many people there is confusion between reiterate and ratify. To ratify is to prove, confirm, reaffirm, while reiterating means repeating. Ex: The victim reiterated her version of events and the witness ratified what she said. In this example, the word reiterated can be replaced by "repeated" and the word ratified by "confirmed".
In English, the verb reiterate is translated as reiterate. Ex: When the teenager got suspended after a fight in school, his father reiterated that he would not admit such behaviors. / When the teenager was suspended after a fight at school, his father reiterated that he would not admit such behavior.
reiterate or reinteract
Some questions between reiterate or reinteract
, since this verb comes from the Latin reiterare. For this reason, the correct way is to reiterate, and the word reinterar is not in the Portuguese language dictionary.