3 funny phrases to understand what sarcasm is

Sarcasm, have you heard? Have you ever used or been the victim of a sarcastic comment?

We've chosen 3 phrases about sarcasm that will help you better understand the meaning of this word.

1. Sarcasm reveals intelligence

sarcasm and intelligence

The British writer and author of this phrase is proof that sarcasm is actually a high form of intelligence. Being sarcastic is a form of abstraction, of escaping reality and dealing with contradictions. Furthermore, some scientific research reveals that sarcastic people tend to be more creative.

2. It's a form of provocation

sarcasm provokes

Anyone who uses sarcasm as an instrument must be prepared for the possible consequences. This is because sarcasm is often corrosive and is often used to offend or make fun of other people, which can generate some conflicts.

3. It's related to the sense of humor

Sarcasm and the sense of humor

Sarcasm is a type of language that most often has a humorous character. The sarcastic person can insult or criticize his target and at the same time provoke laughter.

Now that we better understand what sarcasm is, are you against it or for it?

Learn more about the meaning of Sarcasm.

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