Meaning of Selective Collection (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Selective collection is the collection of organic and inorganic waste, dry or wet, recyclable and not recyclables that are previously separated at the generating source, collected and taken to their reuse.

Selective collection is an alternative to minimize the impact of massive production of waste that is thrown into nature, since some materials take a long time to degrade. Paper takes three to six months, cigarette filter and gum take five years, steel can five to ten years, nylon over 30 years, plastic and aluminum hundreds of years, glass over a thousand years, and rubber takes a while undetermined.

Selective collection complies with CONAMA Resolution No. 275 of April 25, 2001, which establishes the color coding for the different types of waste: blue – paper and cardboard, red – plastic, green – glass, yellow – metal, brown – organic waste, black – wood, purple – radioactive waste, orange – hazardous waste, white - ambulatory and healthcare waste, gray - non-recyclable or mixed general waste, or contaminated not liable to separation.

Once collected, the materials are stored in a sorting center, where they will be separated, pressed and sold to recycling industries.


Recycling is the best solution for waste, reducing the burden on deposits. The reuse of garbage involves the principle of the “3 Rs”: reduce, reuse, recycle. Reduce waste production by adopting new buying habits, reusing pots, boxes and other objects from daily use, recycling the waste discarded after consumption, transforming it into industrial raw material for new manufacturing.

The main recyclable products are: glass: bottles, food jars, medicine and perfume bottles. This material is used again infinitely without losing its characteristics. Paper: magazines, newspapers, assorted papers, cardboard boxes (of all types). Transform into paper for calendars, cards and cardboard boxes. Plastics: PET bottles, jars, lids, packaging, various bags. Raw material of textile fibers, tubes, plastic artifacts, ropes, broom bristles, carpets. Metal: steel and aluminum cans, lids. Wires, wires, staples, nails, paste tubes, aluminium, copper. Steel goes back to being used without limits. Aluminum can be reused in cans and auto parts.

Cannot be recycled: mirrors, window and bathroom glass, car glass, crystals, lamps, tempered glass, light bulbs medicines, cellophane, disposable diapers, batteries, rusty cans, toilet paper, dirty napkins, laminated and plasticized paper and paper carbon.

In order for it to be recycled, the garbage must be selectively disposed of and collected by the city hall or delivered to predefined locations, or even donated to entities that receive this type of material.


The sanitary landfill is a widely adopted solution for disposing of organic waste. These are areas in which waste is disposed of in a planned manner, compacted and covered by earth, in a licensed place supervised by environmental agencies. These are lands with drainage systems that capture liquids and gases resulting from the decomposition of organic waste, preventing further damage to the soil.

See the meaning of social responsability.

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