Meaning of Child Care (What it is, Concept and Definition)

childcare it is the medical specialty, belonging to pediatrics, which deals with the well-being and health of children at birth and in the first days of life.

Childcare (from Latin puer, childish, which means "young", "juvenile" or "infant" is normally considered a subspecialty of pediatrics, an area of ​​medicine dedicated to the health of infants and young children.

Even though it is known for taking care of babies during birth and the first months of life, childcare, in the broad sense, is also responsible by prenatal or preconception treatment, preventing probable diseases or abnormalities that could jeopardize the quality of life and well-being of the kid.

Light childcare and heavy childcare

THE light childcare they are the products, articles or objects used to facilitate the comfort and development of human beings in the first years of life. Normally, products classified under light childcare are for personal and single use.

Example: baby bottles, pacifiers, dishes, diapers, teethers, among others.

already the heavy childcare they are, like light childcare items, important items for the well-being of the newborn, but they are not for single and personal use.

Example: cribs, baby comfort, stroller, safety seats and so on.

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