Health means the state of normal functioning of the human organism. Being healthy is living with good physical and mental disposition.
In addition to the good disposition of the body and mind, the WHO (World Health Organization) includes in the definition of health, the social welfare between individuals.
The health of an individual can be determined by human biology itself, by the physical, social and economic environment in which it is exposed and by their lifestyle, that is, by eating habits and other behaviors that may be beneficial or harmful.
Good health is associated with increased quality of life. It is known that a balanced diet, regular physical exercise and emotional well-being are determining factors for a balanced state of health.
On the other hand, people who are exposed to precarious conditions of survival do not have basic sanitation (water, cleaning, sewerage, etc.), adequate medical care, quality food and water, etc., take your health seriously affected.
Health sciences train professionals with knowledge in disease prevention, care practice and promotion of the population's well-being.
The professions in the health area are: Biomedicine, Physical Education, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Medicine, Nutrition, Dentistry, Psychology, Social Work, Veterinary Medicine, among others.
Health plan
Health insurance is a form of protection for an individual in case they need medical care. Access to medical and hospital services is a guarantee included in the Federal Constitution of Brazil. However, the State cannot provide an answer to all the people who need medical care. For this reason, some private companies or other organizations work in this area.
Many workers in private companies are entitled to private health plans, which guarantee them access to a variety of health care.
Public health
Public health is a concept that refers to the physical and mental integrity of the constituent elements of a community. Public health encompasses hygiene-related measures and policies for health maintenance, and disease prevention measures are also promoted.
See the meaning of Unified Health System (SUS).