Meaning of Appreciation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

appreciation (ê) is a masculine noun that means consideration, respect, esteem. It is the importance, which is attributed to something or someone.

have appreciation it is to have admiration, affection or affection for something or someone. Examples: Appreciating abstract art. To have an appreciation for the poet Mário Quintana.

Are synonymous with appreciation: friendship, admiration, affection, consideration, affection, importance, merit.

They are antonyms of appreciation: dislike, disregard, contempt, rejection.

Appreciation is also the first person singular present tense of the “verb to price”, which means to evaluate, assign or adjust a certain price or a certain value to something.

The expression “under consideration” is used to refer to something that is being referred to, evidenced, being evaluated, discussed or judged. Example: The car in question is the best purchase option at the moment.

I hurry (with two letters s) is the first person singular of the verb to hurry, which means to accelerate, make faster, anticipate, abbreviate.

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