Meaning of Pedantic (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Pedantic is an adjective in Portuguese that qualifies something or someone who arrogantly displays a degree of scholarship or culture..

As a noun, the pedantic term names the person who appears to have knowledge he does not have, in reality.

In this context, pedantic is seen as a pejorative term, as it indicates that a certain person is pretentious, by self-valuing their knowledge as if they were superior to others, when in reality they are not. é.

The pedant tends to correct other people's grammatical errors and always consider his point of more correct view, because it considers itself intellectually more advanced than the others people.

Pedanticism, in some cases, can be a symptom of certain mental disorders, such as Asperger's syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and the so-called “high-performance autism”.

In English, the word “pedant” can be translated to pedantic, donnish or pedant.

Etymologically, pedantic would have originated in the Italian language, initially meaning “a person who works minutely or “one who slavishly imitates the classics in his writing”.

Synonyms of pedantic

  • haughty
  • Mannered
  • Arrogant
  • stuffed
  • fatuous
  • Immodest
  • boastful
  • Proud
  • Presumed
  • presumptuous
  • Pretentious
  • Superb
  • Uphanus
  • Vain
  • Snob
  • Pernostic

See also the meanings of arrogant and autism.

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