Meaning of Coercive (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Coercive is a word that has the meaning of force or force. The main use of the expression is a reference to a given order or a required measure that must be compulsorily carried out, even with the use of force.

The term coercive can also represent the existence of oppression or coercion in a situation or behavior.

They are the most common synonyms of the word: coerced, obligated, oppressed, repressive, authoritarian, oppressive, forced, obligatory and compulsory. They can be an antonym of coercive: allowed, released and released.

THE coercive driving it is someone's mandatory driving, usually done by the police. This forced driving is called coercibility and is one of the characteristics of police power.

One coercive driving warrant it is used when an investigated or witness fails to comply with an order to appear at an interrogation, deposition or other act that has been ordered by the judge or police chief.

See more about Coercive driving.

coercive control is an expression linked to Psychology and means the control of another person's behavior. This control can be in the relationship between parents and children (

parental controll) or in other family and affective relationships.

coercive power

State coercive power is an expression widely used in Law and concerns the obligation to comply with laws and social rules that are determined by the State.

already the coercive power of social facts was studied by the philosopher Émile Durkheim. For Durkheim, social facts exert a strong influence on the behavior, attitudes and thinking of people who live in a society.

As a consequence of this, many behaviors are the result of the repetition of patterns established and repeated by the social facts and culture of a place.

See also the meaning of Coercion.

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