Meaning of Jus (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Jus means merit, and comes from the Latin jus, which means right. The term is usually used accompanied by “doing”, which means that the person must be entitled to something or something.

To deserve something is to deserve it, to have the right to enjoy something. Jus is widely used in the legal sciences, when it is said “that justice is done”, that is, that justice is done, that only what the person deserves happens. There are some differences about how to spell it, whether it is jus or juz, but the correct one is with the letter S at the end.

Jus can also be used when other words are lacking to explain something, something the person would like to define but cannot find a term that has the same meaning, such as saying that "words do not do justice to what I feel", it means that there are no words to demonstrate the feeling.

There is also the jus solis, which means right of the ground, in Latin. Jus solis is the principle that an individual has his nationality recognized according to the place where he was born. Jus soli was forged many years ago, with the objective of populating countries in the so-called New World, such as Brazil, which received a large influx of emigrants at the time.

Phrases with the Term Jus

"Wow, that girl really lives up to her reputation for being beautiful."

"This teacher really lives up to her reputation for being boring."

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