Meaning of Immunity (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Immunity is the resistance or protection against something, usually related to diseases and infections that can attack the organism of a living being. So immunity consists of a set of mechanisms that defend the body from infectious agents invaders.

With the low immunity of the body, the person is predisposed to the “attack” of viruses and bacteria that can cause various diseases. For this reason, it is important to maintain a healthy and diversified diet to avoid the breakdown of the immune system.

To increase immunity or keep it under control, it is advisable to ingest all the basic vitamins and minerals for the functioning of cells and bodily functions, including the lymphocytes (also known as white blood cells), which are part of the body's defense.

Beyond the foods that boost immunity, such as those rich in proteins, minerals, carbohydrates and lipids, other habits considered healthy are important for the increase or maintenance of good immunity:

  • sleep well (at least 8 hours a day);
  • avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs;
  • have good daily hygiene (bathing, brushing teeth, etc.);
  • avoid prolonged stress;
  • lack of physical exercise, as well as excessive physical activity, for example.

Innate Immunity and Acquired Immunity

Human immunity can be innate, that is, that resistance that is natural to the individual, or acquired, usually through vaccines, and through the contact with the infectious agents themselves (microbes and viruses) or toxic (like poisons, for example).

In acquired immunity, the infected organism produces antibodies specific for the toxin of the invading microorganism. Thus, if the same agent attacks again, the body will already be prepared to neutralize and prevent the infection, for example.

There are some immunodeficient diseases, that is, they directly attack the person's immune system. O HIV is an example of a virus that affects human immunity, responsible for causing AIDS.

In some cases, people can be born with low resistance due to genetic complications in their immune system. In these cases, regular monitoring with a doctor is essential, in addition to taking medication that can compensate for the lack of substances that would help in the correct functioning of the defense of the body.

See also: meaning of Immunization.

Etymologically, the word "immunity" originated from the Latin immunities, which means “exemption”, “waiver” and “release”, in this case referring to charges or taxes, for example.

Based on this meaning, immunity can also represent the privileges of a certain group or position, such as exemption from paying taxes or fiscal charges, for example.

parliamentary immunity

It is a guaranteed right of the members of the Legislative Power, so that they can exercise their functions without abuses or violations by the Executive or Judiciary Power. Thus, legislators can have the freedom to act, in accordance with their activities, without running the risk of being sued, for example.

know more about parliamentary immunity.

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