Meaning of Swell (What it is, Concept and Definition)

swell is a continuous and noiseless sea swell, ideal for surfing.

In the literal translation from English to Portuguese, the verb swell it means to swell or grow. When used as an adjective, swell it means dandy, quaint, pretty, or pleasant.

Its use related to surfing can be understood as an interpretation of the growth of waves, of the formation that passes from flat for the swell, that is, from a smooth sea to big waves.

In this sense, Brazilian surfers also make relationships with words of size, such as when saying "the sea is big" or "the sea has risen", which also represents good waves.

Swell is a formation of uninterrupted waves, without noise and well defined. A swell forms from storms at sea. The waves propagate for great distances in the sea, and as they get closer to the shallower part, on the coast, these continuous waves form and break when they hit a sandbar or reef. corals.

When a surfer says that "a swell has entered" he means that the weather has changed at sea and the waves have started to present themselves in the ideal way for surfing.

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