Expression Meaning Sometimes (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

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sometimes it means On occasion, is an expression that is used when the frequency of something is not known for sure.

As in the phrase "it's good to go to the beach sometimes to see the sunset". That is, it is not a routine occurrence.

As a grammatical class, "sometimes" fits as an adverbial phrase of tense.

In English, the expression can sometimes be translated to sometimes or sometimes.

On a periodicity scale, "sometimes" would be more than "never" and less than "always". It is when the object has a certain occurrence, but without precision as to when it happens.

One of the most famous phrases with the expression "sometimes" is authored by the Portuguese Fernando Pessoa:

"Sometimes I hear the wind passing by; and just hearing the wind go by, it's worth being born".

sometimes and sometimes

Both forms, sometimes with back and sometimes without back, exist in Portuguese. The difference is in their meanings.

Sometimes a back is an expression that refers to the occurrence of a situation. While without a crasis, it is the noun times added to your article in the plural as, and means the same as "the occasions", or "the moments".

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As we can see from the following examples:

John liked to go there sometimes. (On occasion)
but all sometimes that was going, some problem happened. (the occasions)

know more about back.

Synonyms for Sometimes:

  • Occasionally
  • Sometimes
  • Every now and then
  • Sometimes

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