Meaning of Groove (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

groove is an English word that means groove or slot.

It is widely used in the context of song, indicating when sounds fit or match satisfactorily. In the specific case of drums, the groove is described as a rhythmic pattern. One of the most common examples of groove is the combination of drums and bass.

Often the word groove is used in slang, meaning a pleasant experience or time.

There is also the adjective groovy, which describes something excellent, which attracts and stimulates. Ex: The music was so groovy that even my grandfather was dancing. / The music was so groovy (good) that even my grandfather was dancing.

For many people, the groove represents a positive attitude, with good feelings and that awakens the desire to dance. There are songs that mention the groove, like Good groove, of the Natiruts that contains a positive message.

Also in the area of ​​music, there is the Grooveshark website (whose literal translation is "groove shark"), which does streaming of songs.

See too:

  • Song
  • streaming
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