Meaning of Trainee (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Trainee is an English word and means "intern" or "in training", in the Portuguese translation.

The trainee is a hierarchical position in a company, where professionals who are still in the training process work. They are usually people who are finishing higher education.

In most companies, the trainee is undergoing training to later assume a higher position, such as a manager or coordinator, for example.

Usually, the professional goes through different sectors of the company, to understand how it works completely. As part of the training, the trainee must also participate in courses, workshops and lectures that add value to knowledge related to their work.

Learn more about the meaning of Workshop.

You trainee programs usually admit young professionals who have graduated for up to 2 years in an undergraduate course. As a rule, the training process within companies lasts from 1 to 3 years, depending on the sector.

The trainee usually has a higher salary compared to other employees.

In Brazil, the best known and most popular trainees are those from Gerdau, Unilever, Ambev, Procter, Nestlé and Gamble, among other companies.

Companies that promote this type of program are usually multinationals, willing to invest time and money in new talent.

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