Meaning of Infrastructure (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Infrastructure is a feminine noun that indicates the base or invisible structure that supports a construction.

This word is formed by joining infra + structure, where infra means interior or inferior. Ex: The building collapsed because its infrastructure was very fragile.

The expression urban infrastructure designates the services or public works that are part of an urban environment, such as: network electricity, basic sanitation network, gas network, buildings used for public purposes, etc.

In the field of sociology, Karl Marx described infrastructures as the economic phenomena that support any society. In addition, infrastructures are also the basis of superstructures, which can be institutions or structures related to philosophy, religion, law, etc.

Furthermore, the word infrastructure can indicate the central and fundamental elements of some doctrine, political party, philosophy, etc.

infrastructure or infrastructure

Many people have doubts about the correct way to spell this word, specifically between infrastructure and infrastructure.

Under the new spelling agreement, the hyphen is suppressed when the vowel in the prefix is ​​different from the vowel in the next word. So, the correct form is infrastructure.

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