Meaning of Ledo Mistake (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Ledo mistake is an expression used when someone made a mistake or mistake, usually in good faith, that is, when the person does not intend to do so.

The word “ledo” comes from Latin and means “smiling” or joyful", so the expression means "joyful mistake".

Generally, the expression “ledo mistake” is used when a person is not aware of the mistake, he thinks he is getting it right and doing something for the good and feels happy, despite being mistaken, so the word "ledo" accompanies the "mistake".

According to the Houaiss dictionary, led deception is one generated without malice, in good faith, and is used to to delicately characterize some notorious error, and the word ledo is hardly used without being accompanied by deception.

The usual sense of "ledo deceit" is meant to convey the idea of ​​naivete; simplicity; of a simple-minded individual. It also conveys the idea of ​​the lack of a critical view and, often, even the lack of information (ignorance) on the part of those who are wrong about something.

See also the meaning of fallacy.

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