puncture is the same as poke or pierce something lightly, an action used in the medical field for the removal of fluids and other liquids stored in a certain part of the body, for example.
A punch can also be the name of the object used to drill a certain surface. Typically, this tool is made of rod-shaped metal or steel, similar to a scalpel.
Etymologically, the word “puncture” originated from the Latin punctionis, which means “sting”.
Venous puncture
This is what injections do, as it consists of insertion of a needle into the person's vein, whether for injecting medications or for drawing blood samples.
Venipuncture is also performed in emergency cases, when catheters are applied, which are flexible needles that are constantly injected into the patient's vein so that he can receive the necessary drugs in a way timely.
Lumbar puncture
It is a medical procedure where it is a needle injected into the spinal cord of the patient, either for the administration of chemotherapy or for the collection of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), used for cytological exams.