Meaning of Adolescence (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Adolescence, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is the period that extends from 10 to the 19 years old deity.

The Ministry of Health and the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics also consider individuals in this age group to be adolescents.

The Child and Adolescent Statute, on the other hand, defines adolescence as the period between the 12 and the 18 years deity.

The word "adolescence" comes from Latin, where ad = "to" and darken = "grow up". Therefore, adolescence literally means "growing up to".

The concept of adolescence does not only encompass physical transformations, but also the entire process of psychological, family and social change and adaptation to these transformations.

Early Adolescence (10 - 14 years of age)

It is normally at this stage that physical changes begin, usually marked by an acceleration sudden growth, followed by the development of sexual organs and sexual characteristics. secondary.

Early adolescence is also characterized by profound internal changes. The brain, for example, undergoes a great acceleration of electrical and physiological development.

Brain cells can practically double their number in the space of a year, whereas networks neural systems are radically reorganized, impacting emotional, physical, and mental.

The most advanced physical and sexual development of the girl, who, on average, enters puberty of 12 to 18 months earlier than the boy, is reflected in similar trends in development brain.

The frontal lobe (the part of the brain that governs reasoning and decision making) begins to develop during early adolescence.

As this development starts later and is more prolonged in boys, their tendency to act impulsively and to think uncritically lasts longer than girls.

This phenomenon contributes to spreading the widespread perception that girls mature earlier than boys.

Late Adolescence Stage (15 - 19 years of age)

At this stage, the main physical changes have already taken place, although the body is still developing. The brain continues to develop and reorganize itself, and the capacity for analytical thinking and
reflective is greatly expanded.

At the beginning of this phase, the opinions of your group members are still important, but this influence diminishes as you
adolescents gain greater clarity and confidence in their own identity and opinions.

The attitude of taking risks decreases in late adolescence, as the ability to assess risks and make informed decisions develops.

It is during this phase that adolescents enter the world of work or advance in their education, establishing the their own identity and their worldview and begin to actively participate in organizing the world to their around.

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