Meaning of Ripa na Chulipa (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Chulipa lath is a popular expression used as a phrase of encouragement and encouragement.

Originally, this jargon was popularized through the football narrator osmar saints, who used the expression "chilipa on chulipa and plump on chulipa" when players prepared to kick a penalty or foul during the match.

THE "slat on chulipa" would be a cry of strength and determination to the player, while the "Pimba in chubby" it represented the hitting of the kick on the ball, which was nicknamed “chubby”.

In the literal sense, “slat on the chulipa” means to throw a piece of wood (called a slat) at lazy people, who are called a chulipa. This is a slang that is widely used in several Brazilian states.

The “chulipa” is also the name given to the lane that holds the railroad tracks, so saying “slat on the chulipa” was do a job well done, start something and finish with honor, leaving nothing to be desired, to finish that one right away. situation.

In the state of Bahia, the term is taken as a compliment, meaning that an individual was successful in a certain activity.

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