Meaning of Here it is done, here it is paid (What it is, Concept and Definition)

"Here it is done, here it is paid" is a popular expression of the Portuguese language, used in the sense of getting justice, owing the people being responsible for their actions and having to deal with their consequences.

This is an expression that is usually related to the idea of ​​revenge. When someone uses this phrase, usually they want to threaten or warn someone about the consequences that it may suffer due to their incorrect actions, for example.

From a religious point of view, “here it is done, here it is paid” means that the person who has committed some injustice or acted wrongly will pay for his sin while he is still alive.

This concept, even according to some religions, is related to the law of karma, also known as the Law of Return.

Learn more about the meaning of karma.

In this case, "here it is done, here it is paid" does not mean an invitation to practice revenge, but a attempt to comfort and encourage people to do good things, so they can receive things good.

Find out more about the meaning of other popular expressions such as “An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth”.

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