Popular Meanings (214)

Definition of Keynesianism

Keynesianism is an economic theory that opposes Liberalism, as it defends the intervention of the State in the control of the national economy, in order to make the country reach full employment. This doctrine...

Definition of Philology

Philology is the science that aims to study a language through written texts. In a broader context, philology is also concerned with the literature and culture of a particular people...

Definition of Catabolism

Catabolism is one of the stages of metabolism and consists of a set of chemical reactions that transform the organic matter absorbed by living beings into energy. At this stage of the metabolic process, the...

Meaning of Literally

Literally it means to give the exact, precise, literal meaning. The same as literally. It is an idiom used to refer to the faithful interpretation of what has been said or read. Example:...

meaning of good morning

Good morning is a greeting, a greeting, a gesture of politeness and civility used in the first meeting of people after the moment they wake up, in the morning. Good morning is an expression used to...

Definition of Legitimacy

Legitimacy is a characteristic attributed to everything that complies with what is imposed by legal norms and is considered a good for society, that is, everything that is legitimate. Usually, this is a...

Definition of Cunning

Cunning is the same as cunning or the skill of the person who is not easily fooled. Just as it can be interpreted as a positive trait, cunning can also be used as...

Meaning of Appreciation

Appreciation (ê) is a masculine noun that means consideration, respect, esteem. It is the importance, which is attributed to something or someone. Appreciating is having admiration, affection or affection for...

meaning of hidden

Hidden means that which is secret, hidden, unseen. Hidden is an adjective of Latin origin, "occultu", which is everything that is covered, that is mysterious. In philosophy, the word...

Meaning of the Information System

Information system is the model, automated or manual, of processes responsible for collecting and transmit data that are useful for the development of products or services of companies, organizations and...

meaning of fete

Quermesse is a word originating from the Flemish term kerkmisse, which means a benefit, with a bazaar, where an auction is held for the gifts offered. This type of event is usually organized...

Definition of Sparring

Sparring is a word derived from the English verb "to spar" which means "to box", "to fight" or "to fight with a punch". In this sense, the English expression "verbal sparring" is synonymous with "debate" or...

Definition of Sustainable Cities

Sustainable cities are cities that implement sustainable public policies that respect and preserve the environment. The great concentration of the world's population in cities and the growing impact...

Meaning of Usurpation

Usurpation means forgery, defrauding, cheating. It is the act or effect of usurping, that is, of deceiving, cheating, defrauding, injuring. Usurpation is a feminine noun that names the act of acquiring...

meaning of comorience

Comorience means the simultaneous death of two or more people in the same event, with no chance of finding out which of them died first. It is a legal presumption based on...

Latest Meanings (100)

Definition of PolygamyPolygamy is a system where a man has more than one wife at the same time, o...

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Popular Meanings (103)

meaning of totemTotem means the sacred symbol adopted as an emblem by tribes or clans because the...

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Popular Meanings (104)

Meaning of SearaSeara means a sown field, or it can be interpreted as a reference to cereals that...

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