blatant and fragrant are two paronyms in Portuguese, that is, they have similar spelling and pronunciation, but with completely different meanings.
The adjective "fragrant" refers to what they have pleasant odor, something that is fragrant or fragrant. This term should be used in sentences where the context refers to the aroma or perfume of something.
Example: "A woman always leaves the house very fragrant"
The term "flagrant", in turn, refers to what is registered, visa or observed at the same moment it is happening, in a surprised and undeniable way, due to the presence of witnesses.
The use of the word "flagrant" is quite common in crime cases, when criminals are arrested by police forces at the exact moment they are committing the offense. Example: "The bandits were arrested in the act while trying to rob the house".
In these cases, when a certain situation is flagrant, there is no way to contest or deny what is obvious and notorious, due to the presence of eyewitnesses.
Example: "The boy was caught in the act by his sister missing classes".
Learn more about the meaning of blatant.