Popular Meanings (196)

Meaning of Large and Large

Large and large are two paronyms in Portuguese, that is, they have a similar pronunciation and spelling, but with totally different meanings. The word "voluminous" refers to what is...

Meaning of Aggregate Demand

Aggregate demand (AD) means the totality of goods and services (total demand) that in a given economy consumers, businesses and the state are willing to buy at a certain level. in...

Definition of Consensus

Consensus is a word that means agreement, consent, consent, conformity of opinions, ideas, feelings or impressions. In politics, consensus means adopting an agreement without making a...

meaning of misery

Misery means begging, a state of want. It is an expression used when pertinent to the lack of basic needs for survival. Misery also means pity, shame, when it does...

Definition of Bamba

Bamba is a word with many meanings. It is popularly used to designate a person who is expert in a particular subject, someone very good at what he does. Bamba is a brave, brave and...

Definition of Affable

Afável is an adjective of two genders in the Portuguese language, used to define who is welcoming, courteous or polite. Typically, this type of quality is awarded to members closest to...

Definition of Miscreant

Miscreant is the same as rogue, vagrant, rogue. It is the individual who tends to abuse the trust of others, who has bad habits and who can prove dangerous to society. The miscreant is the guy...

Gregorian Calendar: what it is, how it came about and characteristics

The Gregorian calendar is the solar calendar for counting the years, months, weeks and days and based on the seasons of the year. The Gregorian calendar is a calendar created in Europe in 1582, by...

Meaning of Neutral Colors

Neutral colors are white, black, and different shades of gray, mainly. However, it can also be all other undertones of other colors (weaker shades, affected by...

meaning of my life

My life means “my life”. There are two terms in the English language, where “my” means “my” or “my” and “life” means “life”. My Life (film) The film “My Life”...

meaning of cross creed

Cruz credo is an expression of interjection used to express fear, disgust or disgust at something or something. Originated from Christian and mainly Catholic culture and principles, the...

Definition of Quartz

Quartz is considered the most abundant mineral on Earth. Its best known form is quartz crystals, like pieces of broken glass. Quartz formations are part of a...

Meaning of A given horse does not look its teeth

"You don't look at the teeth of a gifted horse" is a proverb that generally means that when we receive a gift, we should show satisfaction even if it is not to our liking. In English the expression...

6 Characteristics of the narrative text

The narrative text is the textual type that tells a sequence of facts, whether real or imaginary, where the characters act in a certain space and for a certain time. The main...

Definition of Divergence

Divergence is the continuous and progressive separation between two points that, over time, move apart in parallel directions. In the figurative sense of the word, divergence can still represent...

Carlos Neto (Social Scientist)

Graduated in Social Sciences from FFLCH-USP (Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of...

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Carla Muniz (Lecturer in Literature)

Teacher, lexicographer, translator, content producer and proofreader. Degree in Letters (Portugue...

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Portuguese language (4)

Context meaningContext is the set of physical or situational elements that help the recipient of ...

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