Popular Meanings (113)

meaning of despotism

Despotism is a form of government where all power is concentrated in just one ruler, in an isolated and arbitrary way. Despotism is practiced by a despot; an individual who uses his...

meaning of bastion

Stronghold means fortress, a tall building, surrounded by walls. It is a term of origin in the French language. Stronghold also means something that serves as a defense, that sustains something. Stronghold is a...

Definition of ICU

ICU is the acronym for Intensive Care Unit or Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a hospital. Normally, ICUs are equipped with a continuous monitoring system, which assists patients in...

Protocol meaning

Protocol is the set of information, decisions, norms and rules defined from an official act, such as a hearing, conference or negotiation, for example. In fact, the word "protocol"...

Scope Definition

Scope means environment, field, sphere, contour, space, enclosure. Grammatically it is a masculine noun, which refers to an area that surrounds or surrounds something, it is the periphery. In the sense...

meaning of Maori

Maori is the name given to the native people of New Zealand. The term in the Maori language means “natural” or “normal”. The Maori are believed to have come from remote Polynesian islands and arrived in New...

meaning of the eight lying down

Eight lying down is the symbol that represents infinity, eternity and divine potential. This symbol is formed by a geometric curve in the shape of the number eight horizontally. In the esoteric field and...

Definition of Prokaryote

Prokaryote is a simple unicellular organism that does not have membranous compartmentalization of its intracellular products, that is, it does not have compartments inside the cell (metabolites...

What is Scientific Research?

Scientific research is the practical application of a set of methodical research processes used by a researcher to develop a study. She is characterized by being a...

Definition of Stone Clause

Stone clause is an article of the Federal Constitution that cannot be changed. A clause is an article of a law, it is part of the legal text that defines rights or obligations. Stone is a...

meaning of unit

The word unit comes from the Latin term unitas and designates the quality of what is unique or indivisible. Its meaning is what is considered individually and not plural. Unit too...

Definition of Color Psychology

Color Psychology consists of an in-depth study of how the human brain identifies existing colors and transforms them into sensations or emotions. This is a psychological study that, together with the...

meaning of singular

Singular is an adjective referring to what is unique, exclusive, peculiar, rare or that differs from others by its exceptionality. As an adjective, the singular word can be applied to express...

Definition of Kindness

Kindness is the quality of what is kind, what is kind. Kindness is a kindness, a kindness practiced by some people. Kindness is a form of attention, care, which makes...

meaning of holiness

Holiness is the quality or characteristic of someone who can be considered a saint, that is, endowed with virtues, innocence, piety and purity. The concept of holiness is closely related to religiosity...

Expressions in English (19)

meaning of the bestThe Best is an English expression that means “the best”, literally translated ...

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Latest Meanings (29)

Meaning of Order and ProgressOrder and Progress is the phrase that is written on the Brazilian fl...

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Latest Meanings (30)

MimicryMimicry is the adaptability of animals and plants, which mimic characteristics of similar ...

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