Meaning of Vice Versa (What is it, Concept and Definition)

Vice versa is an adverb used to indicate something whose order is reversed from the initial order. It can also be used to identify when something is done or done reciprocally, mutually.

Thus, the expression vice versa can be used both in the sense of "opposite" and in the sense of "reciprocity".

See these examples:

Pedro prefers to wear his older brother's clothes and vice versa.

João liked Clara and vice versa, but they both knew they couldn't be together.

Usually, the term is used when something or someone moves in the opposite or opposite direction to the one presented.


It is necessary for the children on top to go down, and vice versa.

In the example above, the idea is clear that the children who were upstairs should go down, while those who were downstairs should go up. In this sense, the expression vice versa can represent a sign of changing conditions or positions.

In the construction of a sentence, the term vice versa can also be used to replace pronouns that may be repeated, as in the case of that and that one.


This boy stayed with her boyfriend and vice versa.

The word vice versa can be replaced by synonyms such as: mutually, on the contrary, reciprocally, it doesn't matter, among others.

See also the meanings of Reciprocal and Mutual.

Vice versa or vice versa?

According to the new orthographic standard of the Portuguese language, the correct way to write the expression vice versa is using the hyphen.

In compound words with prefixes beyond, below, ex, just, without and vice, the use of the hyphen is maintained. However, the word vice versa in english is written separately and without the hyphen: vice versa.

Know the meaning of the expression The reciprocal is true.

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