Meaning of Need (What it is, Concept and Definition)

to need is a verb that means feel the need of something or someone, and it also has the sense of obligation.

As in the phrase "she will need help to finish this", which means that the person needs help in his task, which alone is insufficient. Or even more bluntly, it applies to the phrase "she's going to have to finish this," which means that the person has a duty to complete what he's doing.

The word need can also be related to exactness, to the act of measuring accurately. For example, when the teacher asks the student to "need a concept", she is asking the exact definition of the word so that the student is precise.

See too: Necessity and Necessary

To need someone is to lack that person, be it their company or something that they do that is useful to them. The concept of utility is directly associated with the word need, as it is understood that something is only needed when it is useful to that person. As in "the foundation will always need funding from sponsors to maintain itself", here the word brand is not a matter of choice, but of necessity.

need in english is need or require.Specify or define they are the translations of needing in the sense of marking exactly.

In Spanish, need is need or also to need, just like the Portuguese.

Synonyms of Need

  • have to
  • be forced to
  • Need
  • To owe
  • lack
  • feel the need
  • To hit
  • make exact
  • Indicate
  • To determine
  • To define
  • To specify
  • Adjust

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